Nominate Nominated! | Physiotherapists and Rehab Clinics in Healthcare |
We are a multidisciplinary clinic providing a broad range of physiotherapy and massage therapy services.
Our goal is to find the root cause of your pain and help you get back to your regular job, sports or activities that you enjoy. Our experienced staff believes in a client-centred approach and providing quality care.
Massage Therapy
Spinal Decompression Therapy
Vestibular and Voncussion Therapy
Laser Therapy
Post-Operative therapy (bundle of care)
Refugee claims(IFHP)
Work related Injuries (WSIB)
Motor Vehical Accident injuries (WSIB)
Hand Therapy
Cupping Therapy
In home and Virtual Therapy
Sporta injuries in Cambridge
We are open 6 days a week and late evening from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Thursday, 9:00am to 4:00pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
visit us at