
Please have your nominations in before
Sunday March 23 at 11:59 pm.


Community Organization

Nominate Nominated! Alison Neighborhood Community Centre
Nominate Nominated! Cambridge Celebrates Canada Day
Nominate Nominated! Cambridge Ice Hounds Special Hockey Club
Nominate Nominated! Cambridge Saivation Army Family Services
Nominate Nominated! Fireside Haven
Nominate Nominated! Grand River Pride
Nominate Nominated! Healthy Planet
Nominate Nominated! Hespeler Horticultural Society
Nominate Nominated! Kinbridge Community Association
Nominate Nominated! Penny & Pound Theatre Productions
Nominate Nominated! Promoted Business Sample
Nominate Nominated! Protecting The Butterfly Species Across Canada
Nominate Nominated! Rhythm and Blues Cambridge
Nominate Nominated! Shelter Movers Southwestern Ontario
Nominate Nominated! Ted Wake 50+ Centre
Showing of entries.
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